Monday, January 27, In Person
Tuesday, January 28, Online
Some of us are uncertain what this new year holds. Grieving or celebrating, hurting or hopeful, these unique New Years’ Blues Services are an opportunity to reflect on the past and imagine a bright(er) tomorrow.
Some communities hold a Blue Christmas Service on or near the winter solstice. These Longest Night services honor grief and loss or hurt during the holidays. People are hurting all year. Too many nights seem too long.

These gathering will make space for every body and the longings we hold, especially in our post-election, post-inauguration context. Expanding upon New Year’s resolutions, we will explore the resolve to live with hope, peace, joy, and love amidst the blues and through all the seasons.
Join us in person on Monday, January 27
Gather in the Community Center at First Lutheran Church, 3600 West Friendly Ave., in Greensboro, at 7:00 p.m. ET. Use Entrance B near the playground.
Salvage Garden embraces a wide range of identities and beliefs, ages and abilities. Like our sensory worship experiences, this gathering welcomes movement and stillness, noise and quiet, verbal and nonverbal participation. In a casual space, our setup allows for audience-style seating, round table seating, or lounging in bean bags. Light refreshments will be available. Donations are encouraged to compensate the musicians and artists and to support Salvage Garden.
Join us online Tuesday, January 28
With elements from the live event, join from anywhere on Tuesday, January 28, at 5:00 p.m. PT | 6:00 p.m. MT | 7:00 p.m. CT | 8:00 p.m. ET. Registration is required to access this gathering. Get the Zoom meeting link and event details here. You will be invited to gather some materials for a sensory experience.
We extend a special invitation to faith leaders, social justice advocates and activists, queer folx, and anyone who finds it difficult to to be nurtured because of their work/life roles. What faith? No faith? Come on. Pastors. Parents. You don’t have to lead anything or leave your house. Pants are optional (you know what we mean!). Hosted by the Revs. Cheryl Breiner and Melissa Guthrie. Cheryl (she/her) is the Co-Pastor of Fireside Christian Church in Denver, CO; and Melissa (she/her) is the Founding Director and Pastor of Salvage Garden. Email questions and/or accessibility needs to [email protected].
Featured Performers and Guests
Danie “Big Hope” Jones
Brad Bennett from The Rockers
And more…